Tai Po Kau continues to be one of the better forest sites lately, with big bird waves that you can often enjoy good views of birds for over an hour! The best bird for me was no doubt a beautiful White-spectacled Warbler which was friendly enough to allow for some good photos. These are by far the best photos I've taken of this species, and what a fine looking specimen this was, with textbook broke eye ring and a strong second wing-bar. The Alstrom's Warbler was also present but did not show well enough for a photo.
White-spectacled Warbler |
Other quality warblers continuing includes at least two Sulphur-breasted Warblers, which showed fairly well. Hartert's Leaf Warblers were in no short supply and there were plenty of fine looking individuals such as this very yellowish one. I saw at least two Kloss's Leaf Warblers again, although they preferred to stay higher up and seldom come down low for photos.
Sulphur-breasted Warbler |
Hartert's Leaf Warbler |
Kloss's Leaf Warbler |
Other good birds in the bird waves includes Grey-headed Canary Flycatchers, they rarely disappoint and often come down quite low to feed, I can hardly resist taking more photos of this species.
Grey-headed Canary Flycatcher |
A single Black Bulbul was seen amongst the numerous Mountain and Chestnut Bulbuls, while other bird wave regulars includes numerous White-bellied Erpornis and Yellow-cheeked Tits at close range.
Black Bulbul |
White-bellied Erpornis |
Yellow-cheeked Tit - male |
Tai Mei Tuk Catchment have been away from the spotlight of late, other than the long staying Grey Bush Chats, I came across a very cooperative Speckled Piculet which drummed at close range. It was in view for over five minutes before moving on. While over at Lam Tsuen a male Verditer Flycatcher showed well late afternoon, it was feeding at the forest edge next to the paddies, hawking for flying insects with a Siberian Stonechat!
Speckled Piculet |
Verditer Flycatcher - male |
Its been a good winter for Rufous-tailed Robins, where they are very abundant in most wooded areas, I came across a few very vocal individuals, which started singing in the midst of a few warmer winter days. Despite being a common species, I've always found them to be extremely charming.
Rufous-tailed Robin |
I gave Yan Yee Road at Sai Kung a try one late morning and yielded a female White-rumped Shama, which seems to be a local specialty there, this species is now locally common in some parts of Sai Kung and often seen at Shing Mun.
White-rumped Shama - female |
I encountered only a few small bird waves along the catchment, with a few photogenic Streak-breasted Scimitar Babblers willing to pose for a photo. One of the better find along Yan Yee Road were a few Pale Thrush, which is rather scarce this winter. Finally, I found another Siberian Rubythroat strolling about in the open near the car park, although nowhere as friendly as the one near Tsing Tam Reservoir.
Streak-breasted Scimitar Babble |
Pale Thrush |
Siberian Rubythroat - male |
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