I don't usually take video footages when I am out birding, but since I brought along my tripod to Sepilok with me, it seems silly to waste the effort, so I took some videos while I was at it. Nothing very professional, but more of a reminder of the sight and sound experienced within the rainforest of Sepilok.
Tuesday, 26 May 2015
Monday, 25 May 2015
Breeding Oranges
After a whole week of heavy rain in Hong Kong, we finally have a break from the terrible weather and replaced by a bit of sunshine. Today was Vesak Day, a public holiday in Hong Kong, and public holidays are great for a family outings. My parents, Hoiling and I went for a walk at Tai Po Kau this morning, we didn't start early as it was intended to be a casual walk.
We were going to give Brown walk a go, as Hoiling stated she would love to know where the Fairy Pitta was seen a few weeks ago. But there were still a bit of clouds as we head up so we decided to leave the Brown walk for next time. We just went with the shortest Red walk.
Things started off pretty slowly, not much birds were seen except the common residents, even less birds were photographed except for a single Chestnut Bulbul which decided to come down for an eye-level view. Great Barbet called constantly in the background.
It wasn't until we have past the mid-point of the Red walk until we bumped into something interesting. A Hodgson's Hawk Cuckoo, calling in the tree right above us! After a few minutes of searching we finally got to see the bird, singing it's two-note call from a perch high up in the canopy. This was my Dad's and Hoiling's lifer! This species is a scarce summer visitor in Hong Kong, though not particularly rare in suitable habitat, it is by no means an easy bird to see, they can sometimes be quite skittish, so we were quite lucky to all see it today.
A bird flew out from the undergrowth of some bamboos near picnic area 3, it stopped right by the footpath and when I looked closer I saw a very smart looking orange head. An Orange-headed Thrush! What a surprise! It quickly hopped off down the slope and we relocated it not far off, foraging on the forest floor, picking up earth worms. It was obvious by this point that it was a breeding bird. Soon, I heard a very faint call behind us within the bamboos. The adult had it's beak full of worms and flew back up to the bamboos, where we saw behind the tons of branches two other birds, both juveniles. They look to be newly fledged but is capable of flying short distances now. In the end, the trio hopped out of sight up the slope, leaving us amazed!
The photographs weren't great, but we were happy to have seen these rare residents! I have seen this species elsewhere in Hong Kong, but never at Tai Po Kau, which is suppose to be THE regular breeding site for this species. It just shows anything can turn up anywhere, and we should always come prepared...
We were going to give Brown walk a go, as Hoiling stated she would love to know where the Fairy Pitta was seen a few weeks ago. But there were still a bit of clouds as we head up so we decided to leave the Brown walk for next time. We just went with the shortest Red walk.
Things started off pretty slowly, not much birds were seen except the common residents, even less birds were photographed except for a single Chestnut Bulbul which decided to come down for an eye-level view. Great Barbet called constantly in the background.
Chestnut Bulbul
It wasn't until we have past the mid-point of the Red walk until we bumped into something interesting. A Hodgson's Hawk Cuckoo, calling in the tree right above us! After a few minutes of searching we finally got to see the bird, singing it's two-note call from a perch high up in the canopy. This was my Dad's and Hoiling's lifer! This species is a scarce summer visitor in Hong Kong, though not particularly rare in suitable habitat, it is by no means an easy bird to see, they can sometimes be quite skittish, so we were quite lucky to all see it today.
Hodgson's Hawk Cuckoo
A bird flew out from the undergrowth of some bamboos near picnic area 3, it stopped right by the footpath and when I looked closer I saw a very smart looking orange head. An Orange-headed Thrush! What a surprise! It quickly hopped off down the slope and we relocated it not far off, foraging on the forest floor, picking up earth worms. It was obvious by this point that it was a breeding bird. Soon, I heard a very faint call behind us within the bamboos. The adult had it's beak full of worms and flew back up to the bamboos, where we saw behind the tons of branches two other birds, both juveniles. They look to be newly fledged but is capable of flying short distances now. In the end, the trio hopped out of sight up the slope, leaving us amazed!
The photographs weren't great, but we were happy to have seen these rare residents! I have seen this species elsewhere in Hong Kong, but never at Tai Po Kau, which is suppose to be THE regular breeding site for this species. It just shows anything can turn up anywhere, and we should always come prepared...
Orange-headed Thrush
Friday, 22 May 2015
Trip Report: Sepilok RDC - May 2015 (Part 2)
Day 4: 11/5/2015
The morning started with me scanning the fruiting tree at the back of the lodge, mainly to look for any other species of Green-Pigeon. I only saw Pink-necked and Thick-billed in the end. On my way to the canopy walkway I saw a Lesser Treeshrew feeding on nectar from a banana flower, this peculiar little mammal looks like a squirrel and is called a shrew but is in fact not related to either, and is placed in the order of Scandentia, it is actually a closer relative to primates than rodents! This Lesser Treeshrew have range from Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo and Sumatra.
Up at the canopy walkway it started pretty slowly, only a few Bulbuls were seen, most were Red-eyed Bulbuls. I heard an unfamiliar call in a tree next to the canopy walkway, I recognise it as some type of Sunbird. It took me quite a while to locate it as it was very small, singing from an exposed branch was a beautiful male Van Hasselt’s Sunbird. It’s metallic green cap and purple throat shines off the morning sun. The deep red underparts is diagnostic of this species, it looks so much better in real life then drawn in field guides!
A pair of very confiding Black Hornbill perched for a while in a tree right next to the canopy walkway, I could only fit the bird into my frame in portrait. Though not a rare bird, Black Hornbills like many other Hornbill species are undergoing threat of extensive habitat lost throughout the region. Their dependence on lowland forests mean the population trend is now declining.
Nearby, another very confiding bird in the form of a Black-and-Yellow Broadbill stood only a few meters away from the canopy walkway. I managed to get some close-up shots of the bird before it flew back up to the canopy, where I saw it along with a juvenile, likely to have been it’s chick.
With not much else up at the canopy walkway by mid-morning, I went down to the trails. Walking along the Belian trail I got a few Black-naped Monarch. A small flock of Bushy-crested Hornbill made an appearance and perched in a tree above me shortly before flying off to the distance.
Down at Kingfisher trail I saw a White-chested Babbler along the stream. It is a ground dwelling babbler that can usually be found along the water’s edge. Nearby, a Greater Racket-tailed Drongo hawk for insects near the stream, this one came quite low down for good views. I heard a clear two note whistle which I recognise as the Rufous-winged Philentoma, and surely just a moment later I saw the bird, it was in a mixed feeding flocks along with Chestnut-winged Babblers, unfortunately it didn’t stay long and was gone before I could move in to get any decent photos.
The rest of the morning was pretty quiet and so I decided to head back a little earlier. On my way out I found this Pied Fantail nest near the car park. It was a neat cup shaped nest built only a few feet above the ground. It also allow me to observe this usually very quick species in details.
I sat myself at the balcony of the lodge again after lunch and saw a few very confiding Common Ioras in the garden. Though very common I have never took any decent photos of this species.
The afternoon was not particularly exciting and birds were few and far between. A Spectacled Bulbul came close enough for me to take a decent shot of its diagnostic yellow eye-ring. The best bird was down at Kingfisher trail where I found a male Diard’s Trogon all of a sudden, sitting right above my head! They can be very silent sometimes! The last interesting bird I found was a single Fluffy-backed Tit-Babbler, it gave prolonged views and in the end showed off it’s “Fluffy-back” when it was preening! You rarely get to see their long plumes in the field as they are usually hidden under their wings, but what a beautiful bird once it gets those plumes out! I tried listening out to the Black-and-Crimson Pitta again late in the afternoon, but none called. It just shows how lucky I was to have ran into that beautiful bird on my first day at Sepilok! On my way back I got a fly-by Blue-eared Kingfisher.
There was a power cut when I got back and the whole area was pitch black, the staff said power cuts like these aren't very common. We all had dinner under candle lights. Fortunately, the power came back later in the evening!
Day 5: 12/5/2015
A male Red-naped Trogon started my day at the canopy walkway, I suspect it could be the same bird I saw a few days ago, I do hear them near the canopy walkway quite often during my stay. The beautiful male showed well, it was actually right BELOW me when I first spotted it. To be able to look at a Trogon from above was an interesting experience, it certainly makes you feel you have blended right into the jungle. The bird eventually came up to eye-level and stood for quite some time. No doubt one of my favourite Trogon species.
Black-winged Flycatcher-shrikes can be very confiding, I got one at the Bristlehead tower that came within a few feet to me. As I was waiting up at the walkway I heard the Pitta called form below. I thought to give it another try and see if I could get another good look, but by the time I got down from the Bristlehead tower, the Pitta already stopped calling. I walked along Lakeside trail where it is supposedly the best place to look out for Rufous-collared Kingfisher, though I didn’t see or hear it, I found a Banded Woodpecker which finally decided to let me take a half decent record shot of it. I spotted a few Black-and-Red Broadbill but they remained high up in the tree. On my way to the Kingfisher trail an Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher flew past and perched nearby, though very common I can’t really get bored of this species, it’s simply one of the most beautiful Kingfisher out there!
At Kingfisher trail, a few fruiting trees continued to attract dozens of Bulbuls. I saw a few Grey-cheeked Bulbuls, one came close enough for a decent shot. They do somewhat remind me of Ochraceous Bulbuls, which weirdly enough Ochraceous Bulbuls are restricted to montane forests in Borneo, while across the channel to peninsular Malaysia and Thailand it is a lowland species...a few Dusky Munia was found feeding in the long grass near the jungle pool. Supposed to be the most common Borneo endemic, this bird is however not easy to approach, so this was the best shot I managed.
I spotted a few Spiderhunters near the banana trees, one of them was larger and looking through my binoculars confirms its identity as Long-billed Spiderhunter. Different to the more common Little Spiderhunter from its longer bill and streaks down it’s throat to breast, it lacks any eyebrows and head is olive green instead of grey. A few Little Spiderhunters perched nearby and the comparison is very clear.
Found a pair of Buff-rumped Woodpecker pecking away at an ant nest, which was definitely the bright spot for my morning. The pair perched facing each other, pecking at both side of the ant nest at the same time! It’s like they were sharing breakfast together, the couple must be hungry as they pecked at it for quite some time, allowing me to take some good photos including this shot with the two together. Like many other Woodpecker species, the male have red moustache markings. Things quietened down slightly so I headed back to the B&B to get some rest.
The afternoon on the day was very quiet indeed. I walked around Kingfisher trail and got a pair of Scarlet-rumped Trogon, but they didn’t show very well. I got a Black-headed Bulbul nesting outside the restaurant. No other Kingfishers were seen except for an Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher. Late in the afternoon I decided to head over to the canopy walkway and hope for more action. I heard an alarm call close by and saw a Spiderhunter ahead, it was a Thick-billed Spiderhunter. I didn’t really take notice of what it was so “alarmed” about and thought I must have disturbed it somehow so I continued and walked on towards the Trogon tower.
I waited for a little while and didn’t see much so I headed back towards the Bristlehead tower and notice the Thick-billed Spiderhunter was still there making it’s alarm call. I looked up and suddenly saw a big bird perched merely 7 to 8 meters away on a near eye-level branch. It was a juvenile Wallace’s Hawk Eagle! A species I have seen numerous times in 2012, both at Kinabatangan and Danum Valley, but not eye-level views quite like this! The bird seems pretty at ease and was preening itself, completely unconcerned about the Spiderhunter’s alarm calls or my presence! It stood majestically for over 15 minutes. It’s a completely different experience to see a wild raptor at such close range. A local guide with two tourists walked past and when he saw the bird he was a bit surprise as well and quickly took out his own camera to take photographs, I guess it’s simply not a sight you see everyday. With this wonderful bird I ended my day and headed back to the lodge.
Day 6: 13/5/2015
A large Kingfisher was spotted by the lake, it was a very distant Stork-billed Kingfisher. It apparently is a regular visitor to the lake here at RDC. Up at the canopy walkway I got a few Black-winged Flycatcher-shrike close to Bristlehead tower.
I continued towards the end of the canopy walkway, where I found numerous Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot gathered at a flowering tree. These small colourful parrots are bright green, red, yellow and blue in colour. They are canopy specialist which makes them harder to spot, most of the time I just see them flying past overhead, so it was nice to get a chance to observe them closely.
A Yellow-rumped Flowerpecker passed by, followed by a flock of Bushy-crested Hornbills. I found a Black-and-Yellow Broadbill at it’s nest, they don’t seem to be transporting food yet so I guess they haven’t got any chicks yet. A very confiding female Ruby-cheeked Sunbird also came along with a few noisy Ashy Tailorbirds.
I headed down to the Kingfisher trail and found a few Streaked Bulbuls. A beautiful Red-throated Rainbow-skink was basking in the sun, they are quite common along forest trails here at RDC. Near the fruiting tree, a dark bird caught my attention, it was a female Asian Fairy Bluebird. Though I see this species every single time I visit Sabah, I have yet to encounter a male! All the while I was playing the sound of the Rufous-collared Kingfisher, hoping if one was near-by it would respond, but none did.
Ahead, a few Yellow-bellied Bulbuls were chasing each other by the stream and I got a singing Verditer Flycatcher. Suddenly, I saw a large Kingfisher flew off from a perch. It was lightning quick and all I saw was a blur, the dark forest understory didn’t help much as I couldn’t even positively say what colour it was! I slowly followed the stream to the direction where the bird flew and soon saw it flown once again! Feeling frustrated, I simply could not nail the ID though I was hoping it could be a Rufous-collared Kingfisher. The third time round the bird did the exact same thing, but this time it flew through a patch of sunlight and I saw the bright Rufous wings and a bright blue rump. A Ruddy Kingfisher for sure! I followed it up the stream but couldn’t relocate it, a bit annoyed that I couldn’t even manage a good look, I was still pretty pleased to have encountered it, a new lifer for me!
I headed into Pitta Path to try my luck, the habitat looks pretty good but there just don’t seems to be a lot of birds around there. Things got dead quiet the further I went in so I decided to head back. I did a playback of the Rufous-collared Kingfisher once more, this time round I got a very very distant response. The bird called a few times then it was silence once again...I guess I am just not very good with Kingfishers. Only a Black-capped Babbler was seen. With bird activity dropped to a minimum, I headed back to the lodge.
Lunch break was relaxing, not much was seen outside today so I took a quick nap before heading back out at 3:30pm. I hit Kingfisher trail once again, this time saw a few noisy Chestnut-rumped Babblers foraging together. Not far off a very tamed White-chested Babbler hopped across the path, just a few feet away from me. A Buff-necked Woodpecker was spotted, it remained very quiet and disappeared very quickly.
I decided to try the Rufous-collared Kingfisher again at Pitta Path, but I didn’t get any response from it whatsoever. I however was surprised to find an Asian Brown Tortoise walking along the stream! Wild native terrapins and tortoises are very rare in Hong Kong due to trapping, and I believe these animals are under huge pressure from illegal trapping for pet trade or as medicine. So, I was very pleased to find this very healthy individual here.
The rest of the afternoon was very quiet, so I headed up to the canopy walkway at dusk, where dozens of tourists gathered to look at the Giant Red Flying Squirrels that can be seen here every evening. This is one of the largest Squirrel species in Borneo, and they glide from one tree to another with ease. It was nearly all dark when I head back to the lodge, I heard an Oriental Bay Owl called as I exited the canopy walkway.
Day 7: 14/5/2015
My last full day at Sepilok, I got a pair of Scarlet-rumped Trogon immediately after I got to the canopy walkway, the female came pretty close this time and allowed me to take a decent photo of it. The male was seen well though a little further away. By this time I have completely given up hope on seeing the Bristlehead, though I do listen out for them, I didn’t hear any. Not much else was seen up there so I decided to head down to the trails earlier than usual.
Towards the Drongo house, I heard the call of a few Bold-striped Tit-Babbler, and soon got them in sight. Though a common species, they are very hard to photograph due to their speedy nature, it took me a while to finally get a clear shot of one. This species was split from Striped Tit-Babbler from the mainland and is now considered a full species, with range from Borneo to Sumatra and Java. A Crimson Sunbird was spotted nearby, this Ferrari red Sunbird is extremely hard to miss.
Back at Kingfisher trail the usual Bulbuls were there, a few Streaked Bulbuls and a very confiding Yellow-bellied Bulbuls gave great photography opportunities. A Grey-cheeked Bulbul came close but had a few twigs in the way...A Cream-vented Bulbul also came along, the Borneo subspecies have red eyes instead of greyish eyes, this can proof a little tricky to distinguish them with the Red-eyed Bulbuls. The way to identify the two is from the paler underparts, the beaks looks less heavy and the Red-eyed Bulbul’s eyes are not blood red but orangey red.
The entire Kingfisher trail was pretty quiet except for a pair of Raffle’s Malkoha, which stayed pretty high up in the canopy as usual. I went up to the canopy walkway and found it quite quiet there as well. Ashy Tailorbirds kept me entertained while a Thick-billed Spiderhunter made an appearance yet again. I saw a plain Flowerpecker but it was gone before I could get my camera ready.
I headed back to the lodge for lunch, on my way I saw two Brahminy Kites, one adult and one juvenile. I spent my afternoon photographing a few Thick-billed Green-Pigeons feeding on the fruiting tree behind the lodge. They were quite focused on feeding and didn’t take much notice to me.
On my last afternoon of birding at Sepilok I went back to the Kingfisher trail. I found an interesting Cream-vented Bulbul which had white eyes, I guess though most Cream-vented in Borneo have red eyes there are individuals which still carries the “white-eye gene”. I went up to Pitta Path and listened out for anything interesting, but it was pretty quiet, the only interesting bird I got were a pair of Bornean Black Magpies. Endemic to Borneo, this species was once considered a subspecies of the Black Magpie but have now gained full species status. A fairly shy bird, the two kept themselves hidden behind leafs and twigs. I managed a few clear shots after following them for a good fifteen minutes!
I didn’t see much else and headed back into the Kingfisher trail, where I got a Blue-throated Bee-eater. A very bold Little Spiderhunter preened within a few feet from me. The only bird of interest was a single Short-tailed Babbler, which foraged along the stream for some time. This is a new species to me, and certainly a bird I enjoyed watching a lot as it looked for insects on the wet ground!
I headed up to the Hornbill tower as the sun sets, there I encountered a mixed feeding flock containing a pair of Scarlet-rumped Trogon, a female Raffle’s Malkoha, a pair of Buff-rumped Woodpecker, a Buff-necked Woodpecker and a single Chestnut-bellied Malkoha. The sun was setting pretty quickly and I couldn’t get good photos of those birds in such condition, but it was nice to see these birds one last time before I leave.
I headed to the canopy walkway and waited till night fall, I wanted to see if I could find the Oriental Bay Owl. The sun sets around 6:30pm and it is already pretty dark by 6:45pm. I headed back down to the trails and immediate heard the call of two Brown Boobooks! They eventually flew over my head and disappeared into the jungle. All the while I could not get a clear look, but was glad to have got this species on my trip list. No other owls were heard, so I headed back to the lodge and called it a day.
During dinner, I met two researchers from the UK; doing forest regenerations research if I remember correctly. They told me they have seen the Bristlehead today, way deep into the jungle in a restricted trail that requires a special permit….So, I know the Bristleheads are around, I just wasn’t at the right place at the right time. The lack of rain may have drove them deeper into the jungle to where food are more abundant.
The next day, I caught the 8:30am flight from Sandakan to Kota Kinabalu and a transfer at 4:30pm from Kota Kinabalu to Hong Kong.
Overall, I thought this trip was successful, being able to record 3 species of Trogons, 1 Pitta, 4 Hornbills, 2 Broadbills, 7 Woodpeckers, 6 Kingfishers, 12 Sunbirds / Spiderhunters, 8 Babblers and 11 Bulbuls is really not bad at all. Although I missed a few target species namely Bristlehead and Banded Kingfisher, I did get a heard only Rufous-collared Kingfisher and saw the Ruddy Kingfisher. With 133 species recorded, I had 12 lifers and a total of 6 endemics.
Sepilok is a perfect place to start familiarising yourself with the lowland birds in Borneo, but it also holds enough interesting species to keep the more experienced birders excited. For those who concerns about cost, lodging at Sepilok is also considerably cheaper compared to those at Danum Valley or Kinabatangan, for the whole week it only cost me 90MYR to enter RDC for a 6 days and 476MYR for a week at Sepilok B&B in a private twin room with bathroom.
I will most definitely go again in the future, and I hope the Bristlehead will be waiting for me next time round.
Trip List:
1. Cattle Egret : KKIA – many seen on the airfield
2. Purple heron : KKIA – 1 seen on the airfield
3. Great Egret : TjA – 1 seen at the beach
4. Intermediate Egret : Sepilok – seen near sepilok pond and B&B
5. Bat Hawk : Sepilok : Sepilok – seen at Trogon tower at dusk
6. Brahminy Kite : Sepilok – a few seen at RDC
7. Crested Serpent Eagle : Sepilok – 1 observed overhead at Sepilok
8. Crested Goshawk : Sepilok – 1 observed in display flight at Sepilok
9. Changeable Hawk Eagle : Sepilok – 1 over Sepilok B&B
10. Wallace’s Hawk Eagle : Sepilok – 2 near Trogon tower
11. Rufous-bellied Eagle : Sepilok – 1 observed at Hornbill tower
12. White-breasted Waterhen : Sepilok – heard at Sepilok
13. Common Sandpiper : TjA – 1 seen at the beach
14. Grey-tailed Tattler : TjA – small flock of 4-6 seen at the beach
15. Rock Pigeon : TjA – a few observed near houses
16. Spotted Dove : TjA, Sepilok – common around settlements
17. Zebra Dove : TjA, Sepilok – common around settlements
18. Emerald Dove : Sepilok – a few seen in RDC
19. Thick-billed Green Pigeon : Sepilok – many observed behind B&B as well as on canopy walkway
20. Pink-necked Green Pigeon : TjA, Sepilok – many observed behind B&B
21. Green Impreial Pigeon : Sepilok – a few behind B&B
22. Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot : Sepilok – at least 8 observed on canopy walkway
23. Blue-rumped Parrot : Sepilok – a few flew past on canopy walkway
24. Blue-naped Parrot : TjA – many observed at the beach
25. Long-tailed Parakeet : Sepilok – many flew past on canopy walkway
26. Hawk Cuckoo sp. : Sepilok – 1 flew overhead at RDC
27. Banded Bay Cuckoo : Sepilok – 1 heard and seen at RDC
28. Plaintive Cuckoo : Sepilok – commonly heard and regularly seen at RDC
29. Rusty-breasted Cuckoo : Sepilok – a few heard at RDC
30. Drongo Cuckoo : Sepilok – commonly heard and seen at RDC
31. Raffle’s Malkoha : Sepilok – few pairs observed at RDC
32. Chestnut-bellied Malkoha : Sepilok – 1 observed next to Hornbill tower at dusk
33. Greater Coucal : Sepilok – many heard and a few seen around Sepilok
34. Oriental Bay Owl : Sepilok – 1 heard at dusk in RDC *
35. Brown Boobook : Sepilok – a pair observed near lake at RDC *
36. Glossy Swiftlet : TjA, Sepilok – common
37. Mossy-nest Swiftlet : Sepilok – common
38. Black-nest Swiftlet : Sepilok – common
39. Edible-nest Swiftlet : Sepilok – common
40. Silver-rumped Needletail : Sepilok – commonly seen around lake
41. Grey-rumped Treeswift : Sepilok – commonly seen
42. Red-naped Trogon : Sepilok – heard and seen regularly around canopy walkway
43. Diard’s Trogon : Sepilok – heard and seen moderately around trails at RDC
44. Scarlet-rumped Trogon : Sepilok – heard and seen moderately around trails and canopy walkway at RDC
45. Rufous-collard Kingfisher : Sepilok – heard at distance at Pitta path *
46. Stork-billed Kingfisher : Sepilok – 1 seen at the lake of RDC
47. Ruddy Kingfisher : Sepilok – 1 seen at Kingfisher trail *
48. Collared Kingfisher : TjA, Sepilok – common in parklands
49. Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher : Sepilok – common at RDC
50. Blue-eared Kingfisher : Sepilok – 1 flew past at RDC entrance
51. Blue-throated Bee-eater : TjA, Sepilok – a few observed in both locations
52. Bushy-crested Hornbill : Sepilok – commonly seen and heard at RDC
53. Black Hornbill : Sepilok - a few pairs observed around RDC
54. Oriental Pied Hornbill : Sepilok – a pair observed behind B&B
55. Rhinoceros Hornbill : Sepilok – 1 seen over the lake at RDC
56. Blue-eared Barbet : Sepilok – 1 seen and many heard regularly
57. Bornean Brown Barbet : Sepilok – a few observed on canopy walkway +
58. Rufous Piculet : Sepilok – 1 seen near Hornbill tower
59. White-bellied Woodpecker : Sepilok – a few seen at RDC, a pair at Pitta path and a single bird at exit of Kingfisher trail *
60. Banded Woodpecker : Sepilok – regularly heard and seen around RDC *
61. Orange-backed Woodpecker : Sepilok – heard at RDC
62. Buff-rumped Woodpecker : Sepilok – commonly seen at RDC *
63. Buff-necked Woodpecker : Sepilok – commonly seen at RDC
64. Grey-and-Buff Woodpecker : Sepilok – moderately seen at RDC
65. Black-and-Red Broadbill : Sepilok – commonly seen at RDC trails
66. Black-and-Yellow Broadbill : Sepilok – commonly seen and heard on canopy walkway
67. Black-and-Crimson Pitta : Sepilok – a few heard near Belian Trail, 1 seen well taped in at Belian Trail +
68. White-bellied Epornis : Sepilok – seen a few times at RDC
69. Feiry Minivet : Sepilok – a few seen at RDC
70. Black-winged Flycatcher Shrike : Sepilok – commonly seen at canopy walkway
71. Rufous-winged Philentoma : Sepilok – 1 seen at Kingfisher trail and a few heard *
72. White-breasted Woodswallow : TjA – common
73. Common Iora : TjA, Sepilok – commonly seen in parkland and gardens
74. Green Iora : Sepilok – commonly seen at RDC
75. Pied Fantail : TjA, Sepilok – commonly seen in gardens
76. Black-naped Monarch : Sepilok – common at RDC
77. Greater Racket-tailed Drongo : Sepilok – common at RDC
78. Slender-billed Crow : Sepilok – commonly seen at RDC
79. Bornean Black Magpie : Sepilok – moderately common at RDC, seen a few times +
80. Crested Jay : Sepilok – heard at RDC
81. Plain Sunbird : Sepilok – 1 seen at RDC
82. Brown-throated Sunbird : TjA, Sepilok – commonly seen in gardens
83. Red-throated Sunbird : Sepilok – 1 male observed on canopy walkway *
84. Rubby-cheeked Sunbird : Sepilok – common at RDC
85. Van Hasselt’s Sunbird : Sepilok – 1 male seen at Bristlehead tower *
86. Olive-backed Sunbird : Sepilok – a pair observed at RDC carpark
87. Crimson Sunbird : Sepilok – a few seen near Drongo house
88. Purple-naped Sunbird : Sepilok – a few seen at Kingfisher trail
89. Little Spiderhunter : Sepilok – common at RDC
90. Thick-billed Spiderhunter : Sepilok – a few seen on canopy walkway
91. Long-billed Spiderhunter : Sepilok – 1 seen at Kingfisher trail
92. Spectacled Spiderhunter : Sepilok – 1 seen at Broadbill tower
93. Yellow-breasted Flowerpecker : Sepilok – 2 seen at RDC
94. Yellow-rumped Flowerpecker : Sepilok – common at RDC +
95. Orange-bellied Flowerpecker : Sepilok – common at RDC
96. Plain Flowerpecker : Sepilok – 1 observed on canopy walkway
97. Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker: Sepilok – a pair observed near RDC car park
98. Lesser Green Leafbird : Sepilok – a few seen at canopy walkway
99. Asian Fairy Bluebird : Sepilok – a pair seen at Kingfisher trail
100. Dusky Munia : Sepilok – commonly seen around RDC +
101. Chestnut Munia : Sepilok – commonly seen outside RDC
102. Tree Sparrow : TjA, Sepilok – common
103. Javan Myna : TjA, Sepilok – common near parks
104. Hill Myna : Sepilok – commonly seen and heard
105. Glossy Starling : TjA, Sepilok – common
106. Magpie Robin : TjA, Sepilok – common in parks
107. White-crowned Shama : Sepilok – 1 bird observed in Pitta Path +
108. White-crowned Forktail : Sepilok – 1 seen at Kingfisher trail
109. Malaysian Blue Flycatcher : Sepilok – 1 seen
110. Verditer Flycatcher : Sepilok – 1 seen at Kingfisher trail
111. Black-headed Bulbul : Sepilok – commonly seen at RDC
112. Puff-backed Bulbul : Sepilok – a few observed at canopy walkway
113. Yellow-vented Bulbul : TjA, Sepilok – common in parks
114. Olive-winged Bulbul : Sepilok – common at RDC
115. Cream-vented Bulbul : Sepilok – common at RDC
116. Red-eyed Bulbul : Sepilok – common at RDC
117. Spectacled Bulbul : Sepilok – common at RDC
118. Buff-vented Bulbul : Sepilok – common at RDC
119. Yellow-bellied Bulbul : Sepilok – many seen at Kingfisher trail
120. Grey-cheeked Bulbul : Sepilok – moderately common at RDC
121. Streaked Bulbul : Sepilok - moderately common at RDC *
122. House Swallow : Sepilok – a few seen near B&B
123. Chestnut-winged Babbler : Sepilok – common at RDC
124. Chestnut-rumped Babbler : Sepilok – moderately common at RDC *
125. Bold-striped Tit-babbler : Sepilok – moderately common at RDC, 3 seen near Drongo house
126. Fluffy-backed Tit-babbler : Sepilok – a few heard, 1 seen well at end of Kingfisher trail
127. Black-capped Babbler : Sepilok – commonly heard, a few seen at Kingfisher trail
128. White-chested Babbler : Sepilok – common at Kingfisher trail
129. Ferruginous Babbler : Sepilok – 1 observed at Kingfisher trail
130. Short-tailed babbler : Sepilok – 1 observed at Kingfisher trail *
131. Ashy Tailorbird : Sepilok – common at RDC
132. Rufous-tailed Tailorbird : Sepilok – common at RDC
133. Yellow-bellied Prinia : Sepilok – a few heard and seen at RDC
* Lifer
+ Endemic
The morning started with me scanning the fruiting tree at the back of the lodge, mainly to look for any other species of Green-Pigeon. I only saw Pink-necked and Thick-billed in the end. On my way to the canopy walkway I saw a Lesser Treeshrew feeding on nectar from a banana flower, this peculiar little mammal looks like a squirrel and is called a shrew but is in fact not related to either, and is placed in the order of Scandentia, it is actually a closer relative to primates than rodents! This Lesser Treeshrew have range from Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo and Sumatra.
Pink-necked Green-Pigeon
Lesser Treeshrew
Up at the canopy walkway it started pretty slowly, only a few Bulbuls were seen, most were Red-eyed Bulbuls. I heard an unfamiliar call in a tree next to the canopy walkway, I recognise it as some type of Sunbird. It took me quite a while to locate it as it was very small, singing from an exposed branch was a beautiful male Van Hasselt’s Sunbird. It’s metallic green cap and purple throat shines off the morning sun. The deep red underparts is diagnostic of this species, it looks so much better in real life then drawn in field guides!
Red-eyed Bulbul
Van Hasselt's Sunbird
A pair of very confiding Black Hornbill perched for a while in a tree right next to the canopy walkway, I could only fit the bird into my frame in portrait. Though not a rare bird, Black Hornbills like many other Hornbill species are undergoing threat of extensive habitat lost throughout the region. Their dependence on lowland forests mean the population trend is now declining.
Black Hornbill (male)
Black Hornbill (female)
Nearby, another very confiding bird in the form of a Black-and-Yellow Broadbill stood only a few meters away from the canopy walkway. I managed to get some close-up shots of the bird before it flew back up to the canopy, where I saw it along with a juvenile, likely to have been it’s chick.
Black-and-Yellow Broadbill
With not much else up at the canopy walkway by mid-morning, I went down to the trails. Walking along the Belian trail I got a few Black-naped Monarch. A small flock of Bushy-crested Hornbill made an appearance and perched in a tree above me shortly before flying off to the distance.
Black-naped Monarch
Bushy-crested Hornbill
Down at Kingfisher trail I saw a White-chested Babbler along the stream. It is a ground dwelling babbler that can usually be found along the water’s edge. Nearby, a Greater Racket-tailed Drongo hawk for insects near the stream, this one came quite low down for good views. I heard a clear two note whistle which I recognise as the Rufous-winged Philentoma, and surely just a moment later I saw the bird, it was in a mixed feeding flocks along with Chestnut-winged Babblers, unfortunately it didn’t stay long and was gone before I could move in to get any decent photos.
White-chested Babbler
Greater Racket-tailed Drongo
Rufous-winged Philentoma
The rest of the morning was pretty quiet and so I decided to head back a little earlier. On my way out I found this Pied Fantail nest near the car park. It was a neat cup shaped nest built only a few feet above the ground. It also allow me to observe this usually very quick species in details.
Pied Fantail
I sat myself at the balcony of the lodge again after lunch and saw a few very confiding Common Ioras in the garden. Though very common I have never took any decent photos of this species.
Common Iora
The afternoon was not particularly exciting and birds were few and far between. A Spectacled Bulbul came close enough for me to take a decent shot of its diagnostic yellow eye-ring. The best bird was down at Kingfisher trail where I found a male Diard’s Trogon all of a sudden, sitting right above my head! They can be very silent sometimes! The last interesting bird I found was a single Fluffy-backed Tit-Babbler, it gave prolonged views and in the end showed off it’s “Fluffy-back” when it was preening! You rarely get to see their long plumes in the field as they are usually hidden under their wings, but what a beautiful bird once it gets those plumes out! I tried listening out to the Black-and-Crimson Pitta again late in the afternoon, but none called. It just shows how lucky I was to have ran into that beautiful bird on my first day at Sepilok! On my way back I got a fly-by Blue-eared Kingfisher.
Spectacled Bulbul
Diard's Trogon
Fluffy-backed Tit-Babbler
There was a power cut when I got back and the whole area was pitch black, the staff said power cuts like these aren't very common. We all had dinner under candle lights. Fortunately, the power came back later in the evening!
Day 5: 12/5/2015
A male Red-naped Trogon started my day at the canopy walkway, I suspect it could be the same bird I saw a few days ago, I do hear them near the canopy walkway quite often during my stay. The beautiful male showed well, it was actually right BELOW me when I first spotted it. To be able to look at a Trogon from above was an interesting experience, it certainly makes you feel you have blended right into the jungle. The bird eventually came up to eye-level and stood for quite some time. No doubt one of my favourite Trogon species.
Red-naped Trogon
Black-winged Flycatcher-shrikes can be very confiding, I got one at the Bristlehead tower that came within a few feet to me. As I was waiting up at the walkway I heard the Pitta called form below. I thought to give it another try and see if I could get another good look, but by the time I got down from the Bristlehead tower, the Pitta already stopped calling. I walked along Lakeside trail where it is supposedly the best place to look out for Rufous-collared Kingfisher, though I didn’t see or hear it, I found a Banded Woodpecker which finally decided to let me take a half decent record shot of it. I spotted a few Black-and-Red Broadbill but they remained high up in the tree. On my way to the Kingfisher trail an Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher flew past and perched nearby, though very common I can’t really get bored of this species, it’s simply one of the most beautiful Kingfisher out there!
Black-winged Flycatcher-shrike
Banded Woodpecker
Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher
At Kingfisher trail, a few fruiting trees continued to attract dozens of Bulbuls. I saw a few Grey-cheeked Bulbuls, one came close enough for a decent shot. They do somewhat remind me of Ochraceous Bulbuls, which weirdly enough Ochraceous Bulbuls are restricted to montane forests in Borneo, while across the channel to peninsular Malaysia and Thailand it is a lowland species...a few Dusky Munia was found feeding in the long grass near the jungle pool. Supposed to be the most common Borneo endemic, this bird is however not easy to approach, so this was the best shot I managed.
Grey-cheeked Bulbul
Dusky Munia
I spotted a few Spiderhunters near the banana trees, one of them was larger and looking through my binoculars confirms its identity as Long-billed Spiderhunter. Different to the more common Little Spiderhunter from its longer bill and streaks down it’s throat to breast, it lacks any eyebrows and head is olive green instead of grey. A few Little Spiderhunters perched nearby and the comparison is very clear.
Long-billed Spiderhunter
Little Spiderhunter
Found a pair of Buff-rumped Woodpecker pecking away at an ant nest, which was definitely the bright spot for my morning. The pair perched facing each other, pecking at both side of the ant nest at the same time! It’s like they were sharing breakfast together, the couple must be hungry as they pecked at it for quite some time, allowing me to take some good photos including this shot with the two together. Like many other Woodpecker species, the male have red moustache markings. Things quietened down slightly so I headed back to the B&B to get some rest.
Yellow-rumped Woodpecker
The afternoon on the day was very quiet indeed. I walked around Kingfisher trail and got a pair of Scarlet-rumped Trogon, but they didn’t show very well. I got a Black-headed Bulbul nesting outside the restaurant. No other Kingfishers were seen except for an Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher. Late in the afternoon I decided to head over to the canopy walkway and hope for more action. I heard an alarm call close by and saw a Spiderhunter ahead, it was a Thick-billed Spiderhunter. I didn’t really take notice of what it was so “alarmed” about and thought I must have disturbed it somehow so I continued and walked on towards the Trogon tower.
Black-headed Bulbul
Thick-billed Spiderhunter
I waited for a little while and didn’t see much so I headed back towards the Bristlehead tower and notice the Thick-billed Spiderhunter was still there making it’s alarm call. I looked up and suddenly saw a big bird perched merely 7 to 8 meters away on a near eye-level branch. It was a juvenile Wallace’s Hawk Eagle! A species I have seen numerous times in 2012, both at Kinabatangan and Danum Valley, but not eye-level views quite like this! The bird seems pretty at ease and was preening itself, completely unconcerned about the Spiderhunter’s alarm calls or my presence! It stood majestically for over 15 minutes. It’s a completely different experience to see a wild raptor at such close range. A local guide with two tourists walked past and when he saw the bird he was a bit surprise as well and quickly took out his own camera to take photographs, I guess it’s simply not a sight you see everyday. With this wonderful bird I ended my day and headed back to the lodge.
Wallace's Hawk Eagle
Day 6: 13/5/2015
A large Kingfisher was spotted by the lake, it was a very distant Stork-billed Kingfisher. It apparently is a regular visitor to the lake here at RDC. Up at the canopy walkway I got a few Black-winged Flycatcher-shrike close to Bristlehead tower.
Stork-billed Kingfisher
Black-winged Flycatcher-shrike
I continued towards the end of the canopy walkway, where I found numerous Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot gathered at a flowering tree. These small colourful parrots are bright green, red, yellow and blue in colour. They are canopy specialist which makes them harder to spot, most of the time I just see them flying past overhead, so it was nice to get a chance to observe them closely.
Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot
A Yellow-rumped Flowerpecker passed by, followed by a flock of Bushy-crested Hornbills. I found a Black-and-Yellow Broadbill at it’s nest, they don’t seem to be transporting food yet so I guess they haven’t got any chicks yet. A very confiding female Ruby-cheeked Sunbird also came along with a few noisy Ashy Tailorbirds.
Yellow-rumped Flowerpecker
Bushy-crested Hornbill
Black-and-Yellow Broadbill
Ruby-cheeked Sunbird (female)
Ashy Tailorbird
I headed down to the Kingfisher trail and found a few Streaked Bulbuls. A beautiful Red-throated Rainbow-skink was basking in the sun, they are quite common along forest trails here at RDC. Near the fruiting tree, a dark bird caught my attention, it was a female Asian Fairy Bluebird. Though I see this species every single time I visit Sabah, I have yet to encounter a male! All the while I was playing the sound of the Rufous-collared Kingfisher, hoping if one was near-by it would respond, but none did.
Streaked Bulbul
Red-throated Rainbow-Skink
Asian Fairy Bluebird
Ahead, a few Yellow-bellied Bulbuls were chasing each other by the stream and I got a singing Verditer Flycatcher. Suddenly, I saw a large Kingfisher flew off from a perch. It was lightning quick and all I saw was a blur, the dark forest understory didn’t help much as I couldn’t even positively say what colour it was! I slowly followed the stream to the direction where the bird flew and soon saw it flown once again! Feeling frustrated, I simply could not nail the ID though I was hoping it could be a Rufous-collared Kingfisher. The third time round the bird did the exact same thing, but this time it flew through a patch of sunlight and I saw the bright Rufous wings and a bright blue rump. A Ruddy Kingfisher for sure! I followed it up the stream but couldn’t relocate it, a bit annoyed that I couldn’t even manage a good look, I was still pretty pleased to have encountered it, a new lifer for me!
Yellow-bellied Bulbul
Verditer Flycatcher
I headed into Pitta Path to try my luck, the habitat looks pretty good but there just don’t seems to be a lot of birds around there. Things got dead quiet the further I went in so I decided to head back. I did a playback of the Rufous-collared Kingfisher once more, this time round I got a very very distant response. The bird called a few times then it was silence once again...I guess I am just not very good with Kingfishers. Only a Black-capped Babbler was seen. With bird activity dropped to a minimum, I headed back to the lodge.
Black-capped Babbler
Lunch break was relaxing, not much was seen outside today so I took a quick nap before heading back out at 3:30pm. I hit Kingfisher trail once again, this time saw a few noisy Chestnut-rumped Babblers foraging together. Not far off a very tamed White-chested Babbler hopped across the path, just a few feet away from me. A Buff-necked Woodpecker was spotted, it remained very quiet and disappeared very quickly.
Chestnut-rumped Babbler
White-chested Babbler
I decided to try the Rufous-collared Kingfisher again at Pitta Path, but I didn’t get any response from it whatsoever. I however was surprised to find an Asian Brown Tortoise walking along the stream! Wild native terrapins and tortoises are very rare in Hong Kong due to trapping, and I believe these animals are under huge pressure from illegal trapping for pet trade or as medicine. So, I was very pleased to find this very healthy individual here.
Asian Brown Tortoise
Skink sp.
The rest of the afternoon was very quiet, so I headed up to the canopy walkway at dusk, where dozens of tourists gathered to look at the Giant Red Flying Squirrels that can be seen here every evening. This is one of the largest Squirrel species in Borneo, and they glide from one tree to another with ease. It was nearly all dark when I head back to the lodge, I heard an Oriental Bay Owl called as I exited the canopy walkway.
Giant Red Flying Squirrel
My last full day at Sepilok, I got a pair of Scarlet-rumped Trogon immediately after I got to the canopy walkway, the female came pretty close this time and allowed me to take a decent photo of it. The male was seen well though a little further away. By this time I have completely given up hope on seeing the Bristlehead, though I do listen out for them, I didn’t hear any. Not much else was seen up there so I decided to head down to the trails earlier than usual.
Scarlet-rumped Trogon (female)
Towards the Drongo house, I heard the call of a few Bold-striped Tit-Babbler, and soon got them in sight. Though a common species, they are very hard to photograph due to their speedy nature, it took me a while to finally get a clear shot of one. This species was split from Striped Tit-Babbler from the mainland and is now considered a full species, with range from Borneo to Sumatra and Java. A Crimson Sunbird was spotted nearby, this Ferrari red Sunbird is extremely hard to miss.
Bold-striped Tit-Babbler
Crimson Sunbird
Back at Kingfisher trail the usual Bulbuls were there, a few Streaked Bulbuls and a very confiding Yellow-bellied Bulbuls gave great photography opportunities. A Grey-cheeked Bulbul came close but had a few twigs in the way...A Cream-vented Bulbul also came along, the Borneo subspecies have red eyes instead of greyish eyes, this can proof a little tricky to distinguish them with the Red-eyed Bulbuls. The way to identify the two is from the paler underparts, the beaks looks less heavy and the Red-eyed Bulbul’s eyes are not blood red but orangey red.
Streaked Bulbul
Yellow-bellied Bulbul
Grey-cheeked Bulbul
Cream-vented Bulbul
The entire Kingfisher trail was pretty quiet except for a pair of Raffle’s Malkoha, which stayed pretty high up in the canopy as usual. I went up to the canopy walkway and found it quite quiet there as well. Ashy Tailorbirds kept me entertained while a Thick-billed Spiderhunter made an appearance yet again. I saw a plain Flowerpecker but it was gone before I could get my camera ready.
Raffle's Malkoha (male)
Ashy Tailorbird
Thick-billed Spiderhunter
I headed back to the lodge for lunch, on my way I saw two Brahminy Kites, one adult and one juvenile. I spent my afternoon photographing a few Thick-billed Green-Pigeons feeding on the fruiting tree behind the lodge. They were quite focused on feeding and didn’t take much notice to me.
Brahminy Kite
Thick-billed Green-Pigeon
On my last afternoon of birding at Sepilok I went back to the Kingfisher trail. I found an interesting Cream-vented Bulbul which had white eyes, I guess though most Cream-vented in Borneo have red eyes there are individuals which still carries the “white-eye gene”. I went up to Pitta Path and listened out for anything interesting, but it was pretty quiet, the only interesting bird I got were a pair of Bornean Black Magpies. Endemic to Borneo, this species was once considered a subspecies of the Black Magpie but have now gained full species status. A fairly shy bird, the two kept themselves hidden behind leafs and twigs. I managed a few clear shots after following them for a good fifteen minutes!
Cream-vented Bulbul (white-eye)
Bornean Black Magpie
I didn’t see much else and headed back into the Kingfisher trail, where I got a Blue-throated Bee-eater. A very bold Little Spiderhunter preened within a few feet from me. The only bird of interest was a single Short-tailed Babbler, which foraged along the stream for some time. This is a new species to me, and certainly a bird I enjoyed watching a lot as it looked for insects on the wet ground!
Blue-throated Bee-eater
Little Spiderhunter
Short-tailed Babbler
I headed up to the Hornbill tower as the sun sets, there I encountered a mixed feeding flock containing a pair of Scarlet-rumped Trogon, a female Raffle’s Malkoha, a pair of Buff-rumped Woodpecker, a Buff-necked Woodpecker and a single Chestnut-bellied Malkoha. The sun was setting pretty quickly and I couldn’t get good photos of those birds in such condition, but it was nice to see these birds one last time before I leave.
Scarlet-rumped Trogon (female)
Raffle's Malkoha
Buff-rumped Woodpecker
Buff-necked Woodpecker
I headed to the canopy walkway and waited till night fall, I wanted to see if I could find the Oriental Bay Owl. The sun sets around 6:30pm and it is already pretty dark by 6:45pm. I headed back down to the trails and immediate heard the call of two Brown Boobooks! They eventually flew over my head and disappeared into the jungle. All the while I could not get a clear look, but was glad to have got this species on my trip list. No other owls were heard, so I headed back to the lodge and called it a day.
First Lodge balcony at night
During dinner, I met two researchers from the UK; doing forest regenerations research if I remember correctly. They told me they have seen the Bristlehead today, way deep into the jungle in a restricted trail that requires a special permit….So, I know the Bristleheads are around, I just wasn’t at the right place at the right time. The lack of rain may have drove them deeper into the jungle to where food are more abundant.
The next day, I caught the 8:30am flight from Sandakan to Kota Kinabalu and a transfer at 4:30pm from Kota Kinabalu to Hong Kong.
Overall, I thought this trip was successful, being able to record 3 species of Trogons, 1 Pitta, 4 Hornbills, 2 Broadbills, 7 Woodpeckers, 6 Kingfishers, 12 Sunbirds / Spiderhunters, 8 Babblers and 11 Bulbuls is really not bad at all. Although I missed a few target species namely Bristlehead and Banded Kingfisher, I did get a heard only Rufous-collared Kingfisher and saw the Ruddy Kingfisher. With 133 species recorded, I had 12 lifers and a total of 6 endemics.
Sepilok is a perfect place to start familiarising yourself with the lowland birds in Borneo, but it also holds enough interesting species to keep the more experienced birders excited. For those who concerns about cost, lodging at Sepilok is also considerably cheaper compared to those at Danum Valley or Kinabatangan, for the whole week it only cost me 90MYR to enter RDC for a 6 days and 476MYR for a week at Sepilok B&B in a private twin room with bathroom.
I will most definitely go again in the future, and I hope the Bristlehead will be waiting for me next time round.
Trip List:
1. Cattle Egret : KKIA – many seen on the airfield
2. Purple heron : KKIA – 1 seen on the airfield
3. Great Egret : TjA – 1 seen at the beach
4. Intermediate Egret : Sepilok – seen near sepilok pond and B&B
5. Bat Hawk : Sepilok : Sepilok – seen at Trogon tower at dusk
6. Brahminy Kite : Sepilok – a few seen at RDC
7. Crested Serpent Eagle : Sepilok – 1 observed overhead at Sepilok
8. Crested Goshawk : Sepilok – 1 observed in display flight at Sepilok
9. Changeable Hawk Eagle : Sepilok – 1 over Sepilok B&B
10. Wallace’s Hawk Eagle : Sepilok – 2 near Trogon tower
11. Rufous-bellied Eagle : Sepilok – 1 observed at Hornbill tower
12. White-breasted Waterhen : Sepilok – heard at Sepilok
13. Common Sandpiper : TjA – 1 seen at the beach
14. Grey-tailed Tattler : TjA – small flock of 4-6 seen at the beach
15. Rock Pigeon : TjA – a few observed near houses
16. Spotted Dove : TjA, Sepilok – common around settlements
17. Zebra Dove : TjA, Sepilok – common around settlements
18. Emerald Dove : Sepilok – a few seen in RDC
19. Thick-billed Green Pigeon : Sepilok – many observed behind B&B as well as on canopy walkway
20. Pink-necked Green Pigeon : TjA, Sepilok – many observed behind B&B
21. Green Impreial Pigeon : Sepilok – a few behind B&B
22. Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot : Sepilok – at least 8 observed on canopy walkway
23. Blue-rumped Parrot : Sepilok – a few flew past on canopy walkway
24. Blue-naped Parrot : TjA – many observed at the beach
25. Long-tailed Parakeet : Sepilok – many flew past on canopy walkway
26. Hawk Cuckoo sp. : Sepilok – 1 flew overhead at RDC
27. Banded Bay Cuckoo : Sepilok – 1 heard and seen at RDC
28. Plaintive Cuckoo : Sepilok – commonly heard and regularly seen at RDC
29. Rusty-breasted Cuckoo : Sepilok – a few heard at RDC
30. Drongo Cuckoo : Sepilok – commonly heard and seen at RDC
31. Raffle’s Malkoha : Sepilok – few pairs observed at RDC
32. Chestnut-bellied Malkoha : Sepilok – 1 observed next to Hornbill tower at dusk
33. Greater Coucal : Sepilok – many heard and a few seen around Sepilok
34. Oriental Bay Owl : Sepilok – 1 heard at dusk in RDC *
35. Brown Boobook : Sepilok – a pair observed near lake at RDC *
36. Glossy Swiftlet : TjA, Sepilok – common
37. Mossy-nest Swiftlet : Sepilok – common
38. Black-nest Swiftlet : Sepilok – common
39. Edible-nest Swiftlet : Sepilok – common
40. Silver-rumped Needletail : Sepilok – commonly seen around lake
41. Grey-rumped Treeswift : Sepilok – commonly seen
42. Red-naped Trogon : Sepilok – heard and seen regularly around canopy walkway
43. Diard’s Trogon : Sepilok – heard and seen moderately around trails at RDC
44. Scarlet-rumped Trogon : Sepilok – heard and seen moderately around trails and canopy walkway at RDC
45. Rufous-collard Kingfisher : Sepilok – heard at distance at Pitta path *
46. Stork-billed Kingfisher : Sepilok – 1 seen at the lake of RDC
47. Ruddy Kingfisher : Sepilok – 1 seen at Kingfisher trail *
48. Collared Kingfisher : TjA, Sepilok – common in parklands
49. Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher : Sepilok – common at RDC
50. Blue-eared Kingfisher : Sepilok – 1 flew past at RDC entrance
51. Blue-throated Bee-eater : TjA, Sepilok – a few observed in both locations
52. Bushy-crested Hornbill : Sepilok – commonly seen and heard at RDC
53. Black Hornbill : Sepilok - a few pairs observed around RDC
54. Oriental Pied Hornbill : Sepilok – a pair observed behind B&B
55. Rhinoceros Hornbill : Sepilok – 1 seen over the lake at RDC
56. Blue-eared Barbet : Sepilok – 1 seen and many heard regularly
57. Bornean Brown Barbet : Sepilok – a few observed on canopy walkway +
58. Rufous Piculet : Sepilok – 1 seen near Hornbill tower
59. White-bellied Woodpecker : Sepilok – a few seen at RDC, a pair at Pitta path and a single bird at exit of Kingfisher trail *
60. Banded Woodpecker : Sepilok – regularly heard and seen around RDC *
61. Orange-backed Woodpecker : Sepilok – heard at RDC
62. Buff-rumped Woodpecker : Sepilok – commonly seen at RDC *
63. Buff-necked Woodpecker : Sepilok – commonly seen at RDC
64. Grey-and-Buff Woodpecker : Sepilok – moderately seen at RDC
65. Black-and-Red Broadbill : Sepilok – commonly seen at RDC trails
66. Black-and-Yellow Broadbill : Sepilok – commonly seen and heard on canopy walkway
67. Black-and-Crimson Pitta : Sepilok – a few heard near Belian Trail, 1 seen well taped in at Belian Trail +
68. White-bellied Epornis : Sepilok – seen a few times at RDC
69. Feiry Minivet : Sepilok – a few seen at RDC
70. Black-winged Flycatcher Shrike : Sepilok – commonly seen at canopy walkway
71. Rufous-winged Philentoma : Sepilok – 1 seen at Kingfisher trail and a few heard *
72. White-breasted Woodswallow : TjA – common
73. Common Iora : TjA, Sepilok – commonly seen in parkland and gardens
74. Green Iora : Sepilok – commonly seen at RDC
75. Pied Fantail : TjA, Sepilok – commonly seen in gardens
76. Black-naped Monarch : Sepilok – common at RDC
77. Greater Racket-tailed Drongo : Sepilok – common at RDC
78. Slender-billed Crow : Sepilok – commonly seen at RDC
79. Bornean Black Magpie : Sepilok – moderately common at RDC, seen a few times +
80. Crested Jay : Sepilok – heard at RDC
81. Plain Sunbird : Sepilok – 1 seen at RDC
82. Brown-throated Sunbird : TjA, Sepilok – commonly seen in gardens
83. Red-throated Sunbird : Sepilok – 1 male observed on canopy walkway *
84. Rubby-cheeked Sunbird : Sepilok – common at RDC
85. Van Hasselt’s Sunbird : Sepilok – 1 male seen at Bristlehead tower *
86. Olive-backed Sunbird : Sepilok – a pair observed at RDC carpark
87. Crimson Sunbird : Sepilok – a few seen near Drongo house
88. Purple-naped Sunbird : Sepilok – a few seen at Kingfisher trail
89. Little Spiderhunter : Sepilok – common at RDC
90. Thick-billed Spiderhunter : Sepilok – a few seen on canopy walkway
91. Long-billed Spiderhunter : Sepilok – 1 seen at Kingfisher trail
92. Spectacled Spiderhunter : Sepilok – 1 seen at Broadbill tower
93. Yellow-breasted Flowerpecker : Sepilok – 2 seen at RDC
94. Yellow-rumped Flowerpecker : Sepilok – common at RDC +
95. Orange-bellied Flowerpecker : Sepilok – common at RDC
96. Plain Flowerpecker : Sepilok – 1 observed on canopy walkway
97. Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker: Sepilok – a pair observed near RDC car park
98. Lesser Green Leafbird : Sepilok – a few seen at canopy walkway
99. Asian Fairy Bluebird : Sepilok – a pair seen at Kingfisher trail
100. Dusky Munia : Sepilok – commonly seen around RDC +
101. Chestnut Munia : Sepilok – commonly seen outside RDC
102. Tree Sparrow : TjA, Sepilok – common
103. Javan Myna : TjA, Sepilok – common near parks
104. Hill Myna : Sepilok – commonly seen and heard
105. Glossy Starling : TjA, Sepilok – common
106. Magpie Robin : TjA, Sepilok – common in parks
107. White-crowned Shama : Sepilok – 1 bird observed in Pitta Path +
108. White-crowned Forktail : Sepilok – 1 seen at Kingfisher trail
109. Malaysian Blue Flycatcher : Sepilok – 1 seen
110. Verditer Flycatcher : Sepilok – 1 seen at Kingfisher trail
111. Black-headed Bulbul : Sepilok – commonly seen at RDC
112. Puff-backed Bulbul : Sepilok – a few observed at canopy walkway
113. Yellow-vented Bulbul : TjA, Sepilok – common in parks
114. Olive-winged Bulbul : Sepilok – common at RDC
115. Cream-vented Bulbul : Sepilok – common at RDC
116. Red-eyed Bulbul : Sepilok – common at RDC
117. Spectacled Bulbul : Sepilok – common at RDC
118. Buff-vented Bulbul : Sepilok – common at RDC
119. Yellow-bellied Bulbul : Sepilok – many seen at Kingfisher trail
120. Grey-cheeked Bulbul : Sepilok – moderately common at RDC
121. Streaked Bulbul : Sepilok - moderately common at RDC *
122. House Swallow : Sepilok – a few seen near B&B
123. Chestnut-winged Babbler : Sepilok – common at RDC
124. Chestnut-rumped Babbler : Sepilok – moderately common at RDC *
125. Bold-striped Tit-babbler : Sepilok – moderately common at RDC, 3 seen near Drongo house
126. Fluffy-backed Tit-babbler : Sepilok – a few heard, 1 seen well at end of Kingfisher trail
127. Black-capped Babbler : Sepilok – commonly heard, a few seen at Kingfisher trail
128. White-chested Babbler : Sepilok – common at Kingfisher trail
129. Ferruginous Babbler : Sepilok – 1 observed at Kingfisher trail
130. Short-tailed babbler : Sepilok – 1 observed at Kingfisher trail *
131. Ashy Tailorbird : Sepilok – common at RDC
132. Rufous-tailed Tailorbird : Sepilok – common at RDC
133. Yellow-bellied Prinia : Sepilok – a few heard and seen at RDC
* Lifer
+ Endemic
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