Spring migration is slowly trailing off after the first week of May, although all eyes were on the scrape at Mai Po as a critically endangered Spoon-billed Sandpiper made an appearance, this species although still regularly recorded in Hong Kong annually, is becoming a rare sight these days. Upon hearing the news of this one found on the scrape, I hurried over to Mai Po, and was delighted to find it feeding amongst Red-necked Stints. The Spoon-billed Sandpiper wasn't particularly close to the hide, but just seeing this globally rare bird is a treat on any given day. This individual was apparently tagged last year in Russia, hopefully it will make its way safely back to the breeding grounds.
Spoon-billed Sandpiper amongst Red-necked Stints |
Spoon-billed Sandpiper |
Other waders on the scrape includes numerous Sharp-tailed Sandpipers and a few other common species, two Pacific Golden Plovers assuming breeding plumage were quite eye-catching. A female Greater Painted Snipe also made an appearance into the open, Mai Po is easily the second best place to look for this species outside of Long Valley.
Pacific Golden Plover - assuming breeding plumage |
Greater Painted Snipe - female |
The Black-winged Stilts started breeding on the scrape again, they were especially aggressive towards any possible intruders or threat near their nests, a young Black-winged Kite came through and got chased off by them. It made a few rounds around the scrape and gave great views, provided plenty of photo opportunities.
Black-winged Stilt mobbing the Black-winged Kite |
Black-winged Kite - juvenile |
Tai Po Kau is home to increasing numbers of resident species, with Collared Owlet and Chinese Barbet now regularly seen or heard. Chinese Barbet has gotten much easier to see in the last two years, views are often rewarded if you are persistent enough to locate the bird through its distinctive call.
Chinese Barbet |
Lesser Shortwing used to be quite rare to uncommon in Hong Kong, but now a widespread resident. However, it doesn't make them any easier to see or photograph. Was lucky to find this very vocal individual singing in the undergrowth, where I was able to get a few photos through gaps between the branches.
Lesser Shortwing |
Brown-breasted Flycatcher is another species that was once a rarity, but now a regular summer visitor in Hong Kong, although I still consider them to be a scarce breeding species in the forests of Hong Kong. I successfully located this one along the forest stream at Tai Po Kau, the preferred habitat of this species.
Brown-breasted Flycatcher |
Now is also the time to start our night walks again, we were very lucky to find a pair of Masked Palm Civets engaging in copulation at Lung Fu Shan, they were not at all bothered by our presence and we were able to observe this interesting behaviour for at least 10 minutes! We decided to let them get on with it and moved on, copulation of Masked Palm Civet is known to be able to last as long as thirty minutes.
Masked Palm Civet |