Sunday 10 March 2019

Northern Thailand - February 2019 : Part 5

Day 9 - Doi Inthanon to Chiang Mai

Our last day of birding, Ball decided to take us to the Blossom-headed Parakeet roost in the morning. There is a tower built for the purpose of looking at the Parakeets at the back of a residential area overlooking the forest. When we arrived and climbed up the tower, no Parakeets were insight. Only a few Greater Racket-tailed Drongos and a single Racket-tailed Treepie.

Greater Racket-tail Drongo

Racket-tailed Treepie

Although it wasn't long until a few flew in and landed on a flowering tree. The views weren't exactly great and they were quite far, but it's always nice to see wild Parakeets. The Blossom-headed Parakeet like many other parrots are on a decreasing trend, threatened by habitat loss and illegal pet trade, they are now listed as near threatened. We enjoyed fairly decent views on and off in the next half hour or so.

Blossom-headed Parakeet - male & female

The platform yielded other birds as well, although most were too far for any photographs to be taken. A few Streak-eared Bulbuls and Golden-fronted Leafbirds perched at eye-level was quite nice. We also added Himalayan Swiftlets.

Streak-eared Bulbul

Golden-fronted Leafbird - male

Himalayan Swiftlet

We went to a local noodle place for breakfast, the balcony there yielded a lifer for me in form of two Ashy Bulbuls! A species I've tried at various locations with little success! Who knew my first encounter would be over a bowl of noodles? A very vocal Hill Prinia also showed up.

Ashy Bulbul - a breakfast tick!

Hill Prinia

After breakfast, Ball took us to a White-capped Redstart stakeout by the stream. A male Plumbeous Redstart was present, not surprising in such suitable habitats.

Plumbeous Redstart - male

It wasn't long before a White-capped Redstart hopped out in front of us, jumping from boulder to boulder. This species is fairly common throughout it's range, including China. Hong Kong unfortunately sits just south of it's natural range, and the few records so far had all been rejected as ex-captive birds, although I am pretty sure wild individuals are fully capable of finding their way to Hong Kong, it's just a matter of time...

White-capped Redstart

Since we had gotten most of our main targets, I wanted to try for the Black-backed Forktail which is sometimes seen along the stream at KM13. We drove there and walked along a footpath by the stream. Other than a flock of White-crested Laughingthrush and a Greater Yellownape we added very little in the forest here.

Dry Dipterocarp Forest

We came out to a clearing, here we saw two Collared Falconets hawking for insects, mainly dragonflies and butterflies. A Shikra also flew over our heads. The best find here was probably a Rufous-winged Buzzard, although we failed to relocate it after trying to get closer.

Collared Falconet


Rufous-winged Buzzard

We scanned the river on the bridge one last time but came up empty with the Forktail, not surprising as we saw a few tourist playing by the stream.

Black-backed Forktail habitat

From there we drove back towards Chiang Mai city, Ball had one last trick up his sleeve and took us to the Medicinal Plant Garden at Chiang Mai University before our departure. Upon arrival we saw a small group of very noisy White-crested Laughingthrush, they were first spotted on a balcony and look to be attracted by their own reflection, they kept trying to fight their own reflection...birds can be a bit dumb sometimes, but that gave us a great opportunity to observe them, and as soon as they noticed us they went back to being their usual self and foraged on the ground.

White-crested Laughingthrush

The surrounding gardens were surprisingly birdy, with Grey-headed Canary Flycatcher and White-rumped Shama both showing up. The White-rumped Shama caught a small toad at one point.

Grey-headed Canary Flycatcher

White-rumped Shama - female

A few extremely photogenic Greater Racket-tailed Drongos posed nicely on a low branch. While a male Olive-backed Sunbird was gleaning insects off leaves.

Greater Racket-tailed Drongo

Olive-backed Sunbird

The pièce de résistance of the park was however a pair of Brown Boobooks! They did not disappoint and provided incredibly lovely views as they eyed us and other joggers from above. Brown Boobook was once considered conspecific with Northern Boobooks, but had since been split. Either way, both species are fun to look at and who doesn't like a grumpy looking owl?

Brown Boobook - fabulous birds before heading back to Hong Kong!

We later found another grumpy owl in form of an Asian Barred Owlet, unlike the Brown Boobook this one was not quite so lucky, as it was constantly chased by a few Red-whiskered Bulbul...Two species of owls in one small park was certainly quite impressive. And my final bird at the park was none other than the fabulous Green-billed Malkoha!

Asian Barred Owlet

Green-billed Malkoha

After a very successful run at the park, we enjoyed an amazing lunch at the Galae Restaurant, a lovely place no more than 10 minutes drive from the university. After lunch Ball took us to a local market to get some souvenirs, and we arrived at the airport slightly early so Ball can take some well deserved rest, although he told us he got an early start the next morning for another tour. Birding never stops!

Galae Restaurant

Overall, I would rate our trip as very successful. We recorded over 260 species, which is quite a lot considering we only sampled a small proportion of the north. We connected with nearly all of our main targets, I had over 50 lifers, and many of them had been long time dream birds of mine! Bird of the trip is a difficult choice between the Himalayan Cutia and Hodgson's Frogmouth, but I think the Himalayan Cutia gets the prize as you can't go looking for nesting birds like the Frogmouth, making it a more difficult bird in general.

Thailand is also very charming, with wonderful friendly people everywhere and great food in nearly every restaurant we went! It is generally a very tourist friendly country, no wonder it is so popular amongst first time South East Asian travellers. Weather was excellent throughout, being the dry season that is expected, temperature was also quite comfortable throughout our trip, although I would advice against visiting Thailand in March and April as it is probably the hottest time of the year for them and Chiang Mai can reach over 40°C.

If anyone is heading to Northern Thailand, I highly recommend our guide Atiwich Ball, he was utmost excellent and know the birds in this region quite well, without him we sure would have dipped on many target species! He also took care of our every need and was extremely helpful. You can contact him through his facebook of the same name.

Trip List:

1Lesser Whistling-Duck - Dendrocygna javanicaCommon wetland species
2Indian Spot-billed Duck - Anas poecilorhynchaFairly common wetland species, a few at Chiang Sean Lake
3Rufous-throated Partridge - Arborophila rufogularisHeard and seen near summit of Doi Inthanon
4Green Peafowl - Pavo muticusAt least 10 birds seen at Ban Hong
5Chinese Francolin - Francolinus pintadeanusHeard at Wat Bamakno Harrier Roost
6Mountain Bamboo-Partridge - Bambusicola fytchii4 seen at Doi Lang western slope
7Red Junglefowl - Gallus gallusA few seen at Doi Lang western slope
8Hume's Pheasant - Syrmaticus humiaeUp to 5 birds seen at Doi Lang western slope
9Silver Pheasant - Lophura nycthemeraA few at Mae Fah Luang Arboretum, released individuals
10Little Grebe - Tachybaptus ruficollisCommon at Chiang Sean Lake
11Rock Dove - Columba liviaCommon in urban areas
12Ashy Wood-Pigeon - Columba pulchricollis1 seen near summit area of Doi Inthanon
13Rufous Turtle Dove - Streptopelia orientalis1 seen at Doi Lang western slope
14Spotted Dove - Streptopelia chinensisCommon throughout
15Barred Cuckoo-Dove - Macropygia unchallA few at Doi Lang eastern slope
16Zebra Dove - Geopelia striataCommon in urban areas
17Pin-tailed Pigeon - Treron apicaudaA few at Chiang Dao Wildlife Sanctuary
18Mountain Imperial-Pigeon - Ducula badiaFairly common at Doi Lang eastern slope
19Greater Coucal - Centropus sinensisFairly common in lowlands
20Green-billed Malkoha - Phaenicophaeus tristisCommon in lowland forest and suburban park
21Asian Koel - Eudynamys scolopaceusCommonly heard in suburban areas
22Asian Emerald Cuckoo - Chrysococcyx maculatus3 seen at Mae Fah Luang Arboretum
23Banded Bay Cuckoo - Cacomantis sonneratiiHeard
24Plaintive Cuckoo - Cacomantis merulinusCommonly heard, seen at Chiang Dao Wildlife Sanctuary
25Square-tailed Drongo-Cuckoo - Surniculus lugubrisCommonly heard
26Large Hawk-Cuckoo - Hierococcyx sparverioidesCommonly heard, 1 seen at Doi Lang eastern slope
27Hodgson's Frogmouth - Batrachostomus hodgsoni1 seen at Doi Lang eastern slope
28Himalayan Swiftlet - Aerodramus brevirostrisA few at Blossom-headed Parakeet roost
29Cook's Swift - Apus cookiCommon at Doi Lang
30House Swift - Apus nipalensisCommon
31Asian Palm-Swift - Cypsiurus balasiensisA few at Blossom-headed Parakeet roost
32Common Moorhen - Gallinula chloropusCommon at Chiang Sean Lake and Doi Lo Paddies
33Eurasian Coot - Fulica atraCommon at Chiang Sean Lake
34Grey-headed Swamphen - Porphyrio poliocephalusCommon at Chiang Sean Lake
35Watercock - Gallicrex cinerea1 seen at Chiang Sean Lake
36White-breasted Waterhen - Amaurornis phoenicurusFairly common
37Black-winged Stilt - Himantopus himantopusFairly common at Chiang Sean Lake and Doi Lo Paddies
38Grey-headed Lapwing - Vanellus cinereusFairly common at Chiang Sean Lake
39Red-wattled Lapwing - Vanellus indicus1 at Chiang Sean Lake
40Pheasant-tailed Jacana - Hydrophasianus chirurgus1 at Chiang Sean Lake
41Common Snipe - Gallinago gallinagoA few at Chiang Sean Lake
42Pin-tailed Snipe - Gallinago stenuraA few at Chiang Sean Lake
43Green Sandpiper - Tringa ochropus1 at Doi Lo Paddies
44Wood Sandpiper - Tringa glareolaA few at Chiang Sean Lake
45Small Pratincole - Glareola lacteaUp to 4 birds at Doi Lo Paddies, 1 on nest
46Asian Openbill - Anastomus oscitansCommon at Chiang Sean Lake, flocks of over 200 seen flying
47Purple Heron - Ardea purpurea1 at Chiang Sean Lake and 1 at Doi Lo Paddies
48Great White Egret - Ardea albaFairly common in wetlands
49Intermediate Egret - Ardea intermediaFairly common in wetlands
50Little Egret - Egretta garzettaFairly common in wetlands
51Cattle Egret - Bubulcus ibisFairly common in wetlands
52Chinese Pond Heron - Ardeola bacchusFairly common in wetlands
53Crested Honey-buzzard - Pernis ptilorhynchusA few seen at Doi Lang western slope and Doi Ang Khang
54Mountain Hawk-Eagle - Nisaetus nipalensisA few seen at Doi Lang western slope
55Rufous-winged Buzzard - Butastur liventer1 at Doi Lang, another 1 at Doi Inthanon 13KM
56Eastern Marsh Harrier - Circus spilonotusAt least 1 bird at Wat Bamakno Harrier Roost
57Pied Harrier - Circus melanoleucosAt least 50 birds at Wat Bamakno Harrier Roost
58Crested Goshawk - Accipiter trivirgatus1 at Doi Ang Khang
59Shikra - Accipiter badiusFairly common throughout
60Black Kite - Milvus migrans1 at Doi Lo Paddies
61Common Buzzard - Buteo buteoA few at Doi Ang Khang
62Collared Owlet - Glaucidium brodieiHeard at Doi Lang
63Asian Barred Owlet - Glaucidium cuculoidesCommonly heard, seen at Chiang Mai Univercity
64Brown Boobook - Ninox scutulata2 at Chiang Mai Univercity
65Red-headed Trogon - Harpactes erythrocephalusHeard at Chiang Dao Wildlife Sanctuary
66Common Kingfisher - Alcedo atthis2 at Chiang Sean Lake
67White-throated Kingfisher - Halcyon smyrnensis1 at Doi Lang, 1 at Chiang Sean Lake
68Green Bee-eater - Merops orientalisFairly common at Chiang Sean Lake and Doi Lo Paddies
69Chestnut-headed Bee-eater - Merops leschenaultiA few seen enroute and at Parakeet Roost
70Indian Roller - Coracias benghalensis2 seen at Doi Lo Paddies
71Coppersmith Barbet - Psilopogon haemacephalusFairly common
72Great Barbet - Psilopogon virensCommonly heard at Doi Lang
73Lineated Barbet - Psilopogon lineatusCommon at Doi Inthanon 13KM, also urban parks
74Golden-throated Barbet - Psilopogon frankliniiCommon at Doi Lang
75Blue-throated Barbet - Psilopogon asiaticusCommon at Doi Lang and Chiang Dao Wildlife Sanctuary
76Grey-capped Woodpecker - Yungipicus canicapillusA few seen at Doi Lang
77Stripe-breasted Woodpecker - Dendrocopos atratusFairly common at Doi Lang
78Bay Woodpecker - Blythipicus pyrrhotis1 seen at Doi Lang eastern slope
79Greater Yellownape - Chrysophlegma flavinucha1 seen at Doi Lang western slope, 1 at Doi Inthanon
80Collared Falconet - Microhierax caerulescensA few seen along 13KM at Doi Inthanon
81Blossom-headed Parakeet - Psittacula roseataUp to 40 birds counted at roost near Doi Inthanon
82Long-tailed Broadbill - Psarisomus dalhousiaeA flock seen at Doi Lang western slope
83Rusty-naped Pitta - Hydrornis oatesi2 at Mae Fah Luang Arboretum
84Large Woodshrike - Tephrodornis virgatusA few at Doi Lang western slope
85Bar-winged Flycatcher-shrike - Hemipus picatusA few at Doi Ang Khang
86Ashy Woodswallow - Artamus fuscusCommon throughout
87Common Iora - Aegithina tiphia2 at Chiang Sean Lake
88Grey-chinned Minivet - Pericrocotus solarisFairly common at Doi Lang and Doi Inthanon
89Short-billed Minivet - Pericrocotus brevirostrisSeen at Doi Lang
90Long-tailed Minivet - Pericrocotus ethologusCommon at Doi Ang Khang
91Scarlet Minivet - Pericrocotus speciosusCommon at Doi Inthanon
92Large Cuckooshrike - Coracina maceiA few seen at Doi Lang
93Black-winged Cuckooshrike - Lalage melaschistos2 seen at Doi Lang
94Brown Shrike - Lanius cristatus1 seen near Chiang Mai
95Long-tailed Shrike - Lanius schachCommon
96Grey-backed Shrike - Lanius tephronotusFairly common throughout
97Blyth's Shrike-Babbler - Pteruthius aeralatusCommon at Doi Ang Khang, Doi Lang and Doi Inthanon
98Black-eared Shrike-Babbler - Pteruthius melanotisA few at Doi Lang eastern slope
99White-bellied Erpornis - Erpornis zantholeucaA few at Doi Lang eastern slope
100Slender-billed Oriole - Oriolus tenuirostrisA few at Doi Lang
101Black-hooded Oriole - Oriolus xanthornus1 at Chiang Dao Wildlife Sanctuary
102Maroon Oriole - Oriolus traillii2 at Doi Ang Khang
103Black Drongo - Dicrurus macrocercusCommon
104Ashy Drongo - Dicrurus leucophaeusCommon throughout
105Bronzed Drongo - Dicrurus aeneus2 at Chiang Dao Wildlife Sanctuary
106Lesser Racket-tailed Drongo - Dicrurus remiferFairly common at Doi Lang
107Hair-crested Drongo - Dicrurus hottentottusA few at Ban Hong and Doi Inthanon
108Greater Racket-tailed Drongo - Dicrurus paradiseusFairly common throughout lowlands
109White-throated Fantail - Rhipidura albicollisHeard at Doi Lang
110Black-naped Monarch - Hypothymis azureaAt least 2 at Chiang Dao Wildlife Sanctuary
111Blyth's Paradise-Flycatcher - Terpsiphone affinis1 at Chiang Dao Wildlife Sanctuary
112White-faced Jay - Garrulus leucotisA few at Doi Inthanon
113Red-billed Blue-Magpie - Urocissa erythrorynchaA few at Chiang Dao Wildlife Sanctuary and Doi Inthanon 13KM
114Grey Treepie - Dendrocitta formosaeFairly common at Doi Lang
115Racket-tailed Treepie - Crypsirina temiaA few seen at Chiang Sean Lake and 1 at Parakeet Roost
116Large-billed Crow - Corvus macrorhynchosFairly common
117Barn Swallow - Hirundo rusticaCommon
118Striated Swallow - Cecropis striolataA few at Doi Lang eastern slope
119Yellow-bellied Fairy-Fantail - Chelidorhynx hypoxanthusCommon at Doi Lang eastern slope and 2 at Doi Inthanon
120Grey-headed Canary-Flycatcher - Culicicapa ceylonensisCommonly heard, 1 seen at Chiang Mai Univercity
121Fire-capped Tit - Cephalopyrus flammicepsA flock seen at Doi Lang
122Yellow-browed Tit - Sylviparus modestusA few at Doi inthanon
123Japanese Tit - Parus minorCommon throughout
124Yellow-cheeked Tit - Machlolophus spilonotusCommon at Doi Lang and Doi Inthanon
125Black-throated Tit - Aegithalos concinnusA few at Doi Lang western slope
126Chestnut-vented Nuthatch - Sitta nagaensisCommon at Doi Lang
127Velvet-fronted Nuthatch - Sitta frontalisA few at Doi Ang Khang and Doi Lang
128Giant Nuthatch - Sitta magna2 at Doi Ang Khang, Up to 5 birds at Doi Lang western slope
129Hume's Treecreeper - Certhia manipurensisA few at Doi Lang western slope
130Black-headed Bulbul - Brachypodius atricepsA few at Chiang Sean Lake and Chiang Dao
131Black-crested Bulbul - Rubigula flaviventrisFairly common at Chiang Sean Lake and Chiang Dao
132Crested Finchbill - Spizixos canifronsA few at Doi Lang
133Striated Bulbul - Pycnonotus striatusA few at Doi Lang
134Red-whiskered Bulbul - Pycnonotus jocosusCommon
135Brown-breasted Bulbul - Pycnonotus xanthorrhous2 at Doi Ang Khang
136Sooty-headed Bulbul - Pycnonotus aurigasterCommon
137Flavescent Bulbul - Pycnonotus flavescensCommon at Doi Lang
138Streak-eared Bulbul - Pycnonotus conradiCommon in lowlands
139Puff-throated Bulbul - Alophoixus pallidus2 at Chiang Dao Wildlife Sanctuary
140Grey-eyed Bulbul - Iole propinquaA few at Chiang Dao Wildlife Sanctuary
141Black Bulbul - Hypsipetes leucocephalusCommon at Doi Inthanon
142Ashy Bulbul - Hemixos flavala2 at Doi Inthanon
143Mountain Bulbul - Ixos mcclellandiiFairly common in Doi Ang Khang and Doi Lang
144Pygmy Cupwing - Pnoepyga pusillaHeard at Doi Inthanon
145Slaty-bellied Tesia - Tesia oliveaHeard at Doi Lang eastern slope
146Mountain Tailorbird - Phyllergates cucullatusCommonly heard
147Aberrant Bush Warbler - Horornis flavolivaceus1 bush warbler species at Doi Lang eastern slope should be of this species
148Ashy-throated Warbler - Phylloscopus maculipennisA few at Doi Inthanon
149Buff-barred Warbler - Phylloscopus pulcherFairly common at Doi Lang and Doi Inthanon
150Yellow-browed Warbler - Phylloscopus inornatusCommon in lowland area
151Hume's Warbler - Phylloscopus humeiCommon at Doi Lang
152Chinese Leaf Warbler - Phylloscopus yunnanensis1 at Doi Lang eastern slope
153Dusky Warbler - Phylloscopus fuscatus1 at Chiang Sean Lake
154Buff-throated Warbler - Phylloscopus subaffinisA few at Doi Ang Khang
155White-spectacled Warbler - Phylloscopus intermedius1 at Doi Lang
156Bianchi's Warbler - Phylloscopus valentini1 at Doi Inthanon
157Chestnut-crowned Warbler - Phylloscopus castanicepsFairly common at Doi Lang eastern slope
158Davison's Leaf Warbler - Phylloscopus intensiorCommon at Doi Lang and Doi Inthanon
159Oriental Reed Warbler - Acrocephalus orientalis1 at Chiang Sean Lake
160Common Tailorbird - Orthotomus sutoriusCommon in suburban areas
161Hill Prinia - Prinia superciliarisCommon at Doi Lang and Doi Inthanon
162Rufescent Prinia - Prinia rufescens2 at Doi Lang
163Grey-headed Parrotbill - Psittiparus gularis1 group at Doi Lang western slope
164Spot-breasted Parrotbill - Paradoxornis guttaticollis1 at Doi Lang western slope
165Striated Yuhina - Yuhina castanicepsDoi Lang and Chiang Dao Wildlife Sanctuary
166Whiskered Yuhina - Yuhina flavicollisA few at Doi Lang eastern slope
167Chestnut-flanked White-eye - Zosterops erythropleurusCommon at Doi Ang Khang
168Oriental White-eye - Zosterops palpebrosusCommon at Doi Ang Khang
169Chestnut-capped Babbler - Timalia pileata1 at Doi Lang western slope
170Golden Babbler - Cyanoderma chrysaeumFlocks at Doi Lang
171White-browed Scimitar-Babbler - Pomatorhinus schisticeps2 at Mae Fah Luang Arboretum
172Rusty-cheeked Scimitar-Babbler - Megapomatorhinus erythrogenysCommon at Doi Lang
173Collared Babbler - Gampsorhynchus torquatus1 heard at Doi Lang
174Rufous-winged Fulvetta - Schoeniparus castanecepsFairly common at Doi Lang and Doi Inthanon
175Puff-throated Babbler - Pellorneum ruficepsA few at Mae Fah Luang Arboretum
176Brown-cheeked Fulvetta - Alcippe poioicephala2 at Chiang Dao Wildlife Sanctuary
177Yunnan Fulvetta - Alcippe fraterculaFairly common at Doi Lang
178Himalayan Cutia - Cutia nipalensis2 at Doi Lang western slope
179White-crested Laughingthrush - Garrulax leucolophus1 flock at Doi Inthanon, 1 flock at Chiang Mai Univercity
180White-necked Laughingthrush - Garrulax strepitans1 flock at Doi Lang eastern slope
181Greater Necklaced Laughingthrush - Ianthocincla pectoralis1 flock at Chiang Dao Wildlife Sanctuary
182White-browed Laughingthrush - Ianthocincla sannioCommon at Doi Lang
183Silver-eared Laughingthrush - Trochalopteron melanostigmaCommon at Doi Lang and Doi Inthanon
184Black-backed Sibia - Heterophasia melanoleucaCommon at Do Ang Khang, Doi Lang and Doi Inthanon
185Long-tailed Sibia - Heterophasia picaoides1 flock seen at Doi Lang
186Rufous-backed Sibia - Minla annectensFairly common at Doi Lang
187Scarlet-faced Liocichla - Liocichla ripponiCommon at Doi Lang eastern slope
188Spectacled Barwing - Actinodura ramsayiCommon at Doi Lang eastern slope and Doi Inthanon
189Blue-winged Minla - Actinodura cyanouropteraCommon at Doi Ang Khang and Doi Lang
190Chestnut-tailed Minla - Actinodura strigulaCommon at Doi Inthanon
191Asian Fairy-bluebird - Irena puellaA pair at Chiang Dao Wildlife Sanctuary
192Oriental Magpie-Robin - Copsychus saularisCommon
193White-rumped Shama - Copsychus malabaricusCommon in lowland
194White-gorgeted Flycatcher - Anthipes monilegerA few at Doi Lang western slope
195Hill Blue Flycatcher - Cyornis banyumasCommon throughout
196Large Niltava - Niltava grandisA few at Doi Lang
197Rufous-bellied Niltava - Niltava sundara1 at Doi Ang Khang
198Verditer Flycatcher - Eumyias thalassinusA few at Doi Ang Khang
199Lesser Shortwing - Brachypteryx leucophris1 at Doi Inthanon
200White-browed Shortwing - Brachypteryx montana1 at Doi Inthanon
201Siberian Blue Robin - Larvivora cyane1 at Chiang Dao Wildlife Sanctuary
202White-bellied Redstart - Luscinia phaenicuroides1 at Doi Lang western slope
203Blue Whistling-Thrush - Myophonus caeruleusCommon throughout
204Slaty-backed Forktail - Enicurus schistaceus1 at Doi Inthanon
205Siberian Rubythroat - Calliope calliope2 at Doi Lang
206White-tailed Robin - Myiomela leucura1 at Doi Ang Khang, 1 at Doi Lang eastern slope
207Red-flanked Bluetail - Tarsiger cyanurus1 at Doi Lang eastern slope
208Himalayan Bluetail - Tarsiger rufilatusFairly common throughout
209Slaty-backed Flycatcher - Ficedula sordidaA pair at Doi Lang western slope
210Slaty-blue Flycatcher - Ficedula tricolorA pair at Doi Lang western slope
211Snowy-browed Flycatcher - Ficedula hyperythra1 at Doi Inthanon
212Rufous-gorgeted Flycatcher - Ficedula strophiata2 at Doi Lang
213Little Pied Flycatcher - Ficedula westermanniFairly common throughout
214Ultramarine Flycatcher - Ficedula superciliaris2 at Doi Lang western slope
215Taiga Flycatcher - Ficedula albicillaFairly common throughout
216Plumbeous Redstart - Phoenicurus fuliginosus2 at Doi Inthanon
217White-capped Redstart - Phoenicurus leucocephalus1 at Doi Inthanon
218Chestnut-bellied Rock-Thrush - Monticola rufiventris1 at Doi Lang
219Blue Rock Thrush - Monticola solitarius1 at Doi Inthanon
220Siberian Stonechat - Saxicola maurus3 at Doi Lang
221Pied Bushchat - Saxicola caprataCommon in lowland
222Grey Bushchat - Saxicola ferreusCommon at Doi Lang
223Dark-sided Thrush - Zoothera marginata3 at Doi Inthanon
224Scaly Thrush - Zoothera dauma3 at Doi Ang Khang
225Black-breasted Thrush - Turdus dissimilisFairly common at Doi Ang Khang, 1 at Mae Fah Luang Arboretum
226Grey-sided Thrush - Turdus feae1 at Mae Fah Luang Arboretum, a few at Doi Inthanon
227Eyebrowed Thrush - Turdus obscurusFairly common at Mae Fah Luang Arboretum
228Black-collared Starling - Gracupica nigricollisCommon
229Asian Pied Starling - Gracupica contra1 at Doi Lo Paddies
230Chestnut-tailed Starling - Sturnia malabarica1 at Wat Bamakno Harrier Roost
231Common Myna - Acridotheres tristisCommon
232Great Myna - Acridotheres grandisCommon
233Blue-winged Leafbird - Chloropsis cochinchinensisFairly common at Doi Lang
234Golden-fronted Leafbird - Chloropsis aurifronsFairly common at Doi Inthanon and Chiang Dao
235Orange-bellied Leafbird - Chloropsis hardwickiiFairly common at Doi Lang
236Thick-billed Flowerpecker - Dicaeum agile2 at Chiang Dao Wildlife Sanctuary
237Plain Flowerpecker - Dicaeum minullum1 at Doi Inthanon
238Fire-breasted Flowerpecker - Dicaeum ignipectus1 at Doi Lang
239Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker - Dicaeum cruentatumCommon throughout
240Plain-throated Sunbird - Anthreptes malacensis1 at Chiang Mai
241Purple Sunbird - Cinnyris asiaticusFairly common throughout lowlands
242Olive-backed Sunbird - Cinnyris jugularisFairly common throughout lowlands
243Black-throated Sunbird - Aethopyga saturataFairly common at Doi Ang Khang
244Gould's Sunbird - Aethopyga gouldiaeCommon at Doi Ang Khang
245Green-tailed Sunbird - Aethopyga nipalensisA few at Doi Inthanon
246Crimson Sunbird - Aethopyga siparajaHeard at Chiang Dao
247Little Spiderhunter - Arachnothera longirostraSeen at Chiang Dao
248Streaked Spiderhunter - Arachnothera magnaFairly common throughout
249Grey Wagtail - Motacilla cinereaA few at Do Inthanon
250Eastern Yellow Wagtail - Motacilla tschutschensisA few at Chiang Sean
251Citrine Wagtail - Motacilla citreola1 at Chiang Sean
252Pied Wagtail/White Wagtail - Motacilla albaCommon
253Paddyfield Pipit - Anthus rufulusCommon at Doi Lo Paddies
254Olive-backed Pipit - Anthus hodgsoniA few at Doi Lang
255Spot-winged Grosbeak - Mycerobas melanozanthosFairly common at Doi Ang Khang
256Bunting sp.1 at Doi Lang western slope
257House Sparrow - Passer domesticusUrban area
258Eurasian Tree Sparrow - Passer montanusCommon
259Baya Weaver - Ploceus philippinusLarge flock seen at Wat Bamakno Harrier Roost
260White-rumped Munia - Lonchura striataFairly Common
261Scaly-breasted Munia - Lonchura punctulataFairly Common

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