Its been warming up lately, with temperature getting as high as 30°C, but a bit of rain cooled it off and brought in some more interesting birds. One of the best was a male Black-headed Bunting that dropped into San Tin, not in full breeding plumage just yet but still a rather good looking bird. It was enjoying the 'bread buffet', fattening up before its journey north.
Black-headed Bunting - male |
A Eurasian Skylark also dropped in, though a regular migrant in Hong Kong they can sometimes be tricky to track down, so I was quite happy to find this one feeding along the dirt track.
Eurasian Skylark |
A good number of waders are now dropping into the fishponds, small flock of Temminck's Stints been frequenting the fishponds including this Hong Kong tagged S4. A Spotted Redshank was found feeding amongst a few Marsh and Wood Sandpipers. A few Oriental Pratincoles finally dropped into the dried ponds, I scanned for Oriental Plovers but failed to find any.
Temminck's Stint |
Spotted Redshank |
Oriental Pratincole |
Over at Tai Sang Wai, a Brahminy Kite been spotted by birders on two occasions, but it proves to be extremely elusive and not shown itself despite searching hard...A very confiding Little Bunting kept us entertained, while over ten Zitting Cisticolas decided to drop in together. The long staying Carrion Crow been showing exceptionally well, occasionally allowing close approach.
Little Bunting |
Zitting Cisticola |
Carrion Crow & Collared Crow |
At Mai Po, I caught up with the returning hybrid White Wagtail thats been frequenting the Tree Pipit site, it is believed to be an alboides x leucopsis hybrid. The Tree Pipit was still showing well, to my delight its now a much cleaner looking bird, having completed most of its moult.
White Wagtail - alboides x leucopsis |
Tree Pipit - long staying rarity |
The access road is quite a good place to look for buntings, although I've only seen Black-faced Buntings there lately, they remain very confiding. The Eurasian Wryneck near Mai Po was still showing well.
Black-faced Bunting - male |
Eursian Wryneck |
I gave Sha Lo Tung a go last week, but found very little of interest. Crested Serpent Eagles now very vocal and often seen in display flights. A rather confiding Streak-breasted Scimitar Babbler together with an equally friendly Speckled Piculet were nice birds to make up for an otherwise uneventful outing. The best bird was probably a female Black-naped Monarch.
Crested Serpent Eagle |
Streak-breasted Scimitar Babbler |
Speckled Piculet |
Black-naped Monarch - female |
Though the Barred Cuckoo-doves continues to show occasionally, I've not been able to get any more photographs of these elusive doves...A few Pygmy Cupwings were vocal and gave relatively good views in the valley. The most photogenic bird there remains to be the extremely friendly Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker.
Pygmy Cupwing |
Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker - male |
As weather warms up, insects are now much more active, here are a few members of the Lepidoptera family, such as this Episteme lectrix, a day flying moth. The beautiful Painted Jezebel that is quite common at this time of the year. A butterfly new to me was a Constable, I've wanted to see this species for quite a long time but never been able to find one, it is a nice looking butterfly on its own, but look exquisite once you put a flash on it! Luckily for me, this one allowed very close approach that I was able to use my phone to get a photo with flash on!
Episteme lectrix |
Painted Jezebel - Delias hyparete |
Constable - Dichorragia nesimachus |
Tai Po Kau's not been exactly great of late, but a pair of Chinese Barbets been extremely vocal and with some effort I was able to locate one singing from the tree top. There were plenty of Black Bulbuls around, this is a species that I suspect should start breeding in Hong Kong sooner or later. Plain Flowerpeckers are now singing, they are not difficult to find once you learn their song.
Chinese Barbet |
Black Bulbul |
Plain Flowerpecker |