We don't get all that many different grebes usually, only our default Little Grebe and the common but localised wintering Great Crested Grebes. Black-necked Grebe is about the only other grebe that we sometimes get in winter months, at one point we were getting one every winter, but in recent years their visit seems to have slowed. One was found at San Tin earlier this month and I also managed to squeeze in 30 minutes to take a few photos of this friendly one.
Black-necked Grebe |
10 Oriental Storks also flew over head while I was photographing the Grebe, a species which strangely have seen an increase in Hong Kong during winter months, and with much increased numbers! Whereas we used to just get singles or pairs, small flocks of these majestic birds seems to be the norm.
Oriental Stork - with Shenzhen skyscrapers in the background |
Things at Long Valley seems to have settled down, with less buntings around. The Tundra Bean Goose was still around, which I didn't bother to take any more photos of. Best bird I managed was a male Black-headed Bunting that is in moult. Otherwise, it was mainly common birds around. A flock of Red-rumped Swallows and a few Sand Martins have been flying around the reserve.
Black-headed Bunting |
Black-winged Stilt |
Red-throated Pipit - male |
Red-rumped Swallow |
The House Sparrows at my survey site have stayed on, and now fully integrated into the Tree Sparrow flock, I counted 10 in a single count.
House Sparrow - male |
House Sparrow - female |
A work day at Chuen Lung didn't yield any rare bird, but some good views of common birds. Such as these Mountain Bulbuls and Chestnut Bulbuls.
Mountain Bulbul |
Chestnut Bulbul |
Wintering species such as Daurian Redstarts and Olive-backed Pipits are in good numbers, while residents such as Speckled Piculet and Blue-winged Minlas also made an appearance.
Daurian Redstart - male |
Olive-backed Pipit |
Speckled Piculet |
Blue-winged Minla |
The watercress field attracted a Grey Wagtail to come and feed on the caterpillars, it was quite friendly and didn't mind me sitting nearby as it foraged along the field.
Grey Wagtail |
At Tai Po Kau, I still haven't found any really good birds yet. A friendly Pygmy Cupwing made an appearance one morning, despite not a rarity, I enjoy seeing this skulker whenever I get the chance!
Pygmy Cupwing |
I was out one evening looking for owls without much success, a few friendly Savanna Nightjar was our consolation. On non-birding matter, a Tongeia filicaudis was found near our house, a rare butterfly that have only been recorded in Hong Kong a handful of times, which attracted dozen of photographers each day...we took the opportunity to have a look at this tiny butterfly as well.
Savanna Nightjar |
Tongeia filicaudis |
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